Our mission is to create safe new drivers. There are no shortcuts to this end and we have had great success with our methods for over a decade.We started Motor Palm with the idea of a choice. Since 2008 we have chosen to offer driving instruction from a drivers perspective. We are the only Driving School that offers that choice. Our instructors are professional drivers first and instructors second. There are no retired instructors from unrelated fields. Our instructors have decades of experience behind the wheel, and drive over 30,000 miles per year in all weather and all dynamics. Our city drive is Portland. A city. Downtown and elevated freeways. Our country drive is a two lane serpentine route. And our urban drive is in all types of neighborhoods and possibly more than one town. We are not an easy course and we are not part-time instructors.
We are experienced with MRDD, ADD ADHD and anxiety issues. In addition we have solved several physical challenges and stroke and early onset dementia. Your Driving Instructor is more than ready to listen to your driving concerns, and come up with a personalized driving lesson that works for you. Customer and/or Guardian input is encouraged at all times.
We allow , and in fact encourage interpreters and Parents or Guardians on lessons and partners are always welcome. No more than 3 at a time is the only rule. No passengers are allowed at any time and the lesson ends at a prearranged location. Water is available,
but food is discouraged.